Wieringa Academy

Wieringa Academy

Employment law is constantly changing. Law is regularly amended and case law provides new insights. We attach great value to quality and knowledge. We do not only apply this in our daily work. We also like to share this with our clients and relations by offering master classes.

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These master classes can be delivered either in-house or on location. The standard fees charged depend on the length of the masterclass (day or half-day) and the complexity of the topic. We offer master classes on the following topics, among others:

  1. Steaming course in labour law
  2. Dismissal law and litigation
  3. Reintegration and sick employees
  4. Employment law essentials in M&A processes
  5. Employee participation, advisory and consent processes
  6. Basic course in WOR/participation
  7. Employment law for the works council
  8. File structure in case of dysfunction
  9. Restructuring and reorganisation
  10. Change of terms of employment
  11. ESG and active HR policy
  12. Competition and relationship clauses
  13. Privacy in the workplace
  14. Equal treatment
  15. Workplace accidents and liability
  16. Employee participation and bonus schemes